Sarah Palin und die Medien


ABC was all smiles in the Obama interview, but when it came to Sarah Palin, smiles were few and far between...

The new PolitiChill is where no candidate is off-limits, from conservative to liberal, from Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Rudolph Giuliani, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson. We also spoof the way the media sensationalizes things, whether its CNN, Fox News, MSNBC News, and CNN Headline News, ABC News, CBS NEWS, NBC News, as well as the hilarious personalities of Bill O'Reilly (OReilly), Brian Williams, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Tim Russert, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Kieth Olbermann, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingram, Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe, you name it. Let the circus that is election 2008 begin. Republican or Democrat, Independent or Libertarian, Politi-Chill is the lighter side of politics. Look out Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Saturday Night Live, and other comedians, it's time to get your Political Chill on.

tags: Sarah Palin exclusive interview with Charles Gibson snl spoof Joe Biden Barack Obama sexism ABC Charlie 2008 election media comedy funny

Politichill is satirical comedy. All characters are fictitious, except where public figures are satirized. Any resemblance of characters to actual people is accidental and coincidental.

neocons behind Palin
