Lasst die Wörter aufjaulen!

Die Sprache zu stören, das war ihr Ziel. Der langweiligen Grammatik nicht folgen, sie selbst machen. Jetzt ist die radikale, freie Dichterin Friederike Mayröcker gestorben – sie wurde 96 Jahre alt.



Rajani Rehana hat gesagt…
Fabulous post
ematejoca hat gesagt…
Friederike Mayröcker is recognized as one of the most important contemporary Austrian poets.Her prose is often described as autofictional, since Mayröcker uses quotes of private conversations and excerpts from letters and diaries in her work. She described her working process as follows: "I live in pictures. I see everything in pictures, my complete past, memories are pictures. I transform pictures into language by climbing into the picture. I walk into it until it becomes language”.

Friederike Mayröcker died on 4 June 2021 aged 96, in Vienna.

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